Check Please! Who’s Responsible for Paying for a Date?

???????????We’ve all been there before. You get a phone call from that special someone who desires to take you out. You make plans to meet downtown to grab a couple of drinks and appetizers. The music is right, the mood is sweet; and finally the check arrives. She looks to the left; and he looks to the right…so who is really responsible for paying? Continue reading

Getting Started in the Market – Investing 101 (Pt.1)

investing, jars of moneyBefore creating your investment plan, there are some things you simply need to know. Many people express a desire to invest and often seek investments which they believe could bring about the largest returns.  But prior to investing, you have to first identify your purpose for investing, understand how much risk you are willing to take, and then and only then, you would be able to identify the right investments for you. Continue reading

Run your personal finances like a small business!

Business man and woman

Few of us think of our personal finances as a small enterprise. But just like any business or government agency, we must watch our bottom dollar.

How do you run your personal financial house? Do you raise the debt ceiling to meet needs? Or do you operate on a budget and save for rainy days?

Whatever method you use to operate your personal finances, you must run things like a small business. Continue reading

Giving really does pay back!

Each and everyday, we are presented with the opportunity to bless someone.  Whether it is the homeless individual at the street corner, your coworker struggling to make ends meet or your church requesting additional funds for the new building – we are presented with the opportunity to be a blessing in someone else life. Continue reading

Debunking financial myths about retirement!

by: Kemberley Washington, CPA

Whether you are in your tender twenties or nifty fifties, one thing is certain retirement will happen.  But where do you see yourself when you hit retirement age? Sitting on the sandy beaches in Florida? Or working day to day til’ the good Lord calls you home. Whatever your plans are, if you fall victim to these myths, your retirement years will catch you by surprise. Continue reading

Don’t rob Peter to pay Claus this Christmas!

Hey remember, there is life after Christmas – also bills and other obligations.  So if you did not get a chance this year to set something aside to purchase Christmas gifts, it may not be a good idea to rob Peter to pay Claus!

How to Buy Foreclosures and REOs

So often you hear advertisements for foreclosure listings, companies promise to give you a laundry list of foreclosures, but for a small catch – you have to pay for it!  But know, there is no need to pay for these listings.  There are several ways to view foreclosures in your area and the best part of it all – it’s absolutely FREE! Continue reading

Let your budget inspire you

We hear it all the time… we must spend within our budgets. But what does that really mean?  Many people spend aimlessly without preparing a budget and as a result, they usually come up short in their financial goals.  Trust me, I know.  There have been many times in my life, I figured I would just “wing it” or spend according to my feelings.  But that type of attitude got me nowhere.  It wasn’t until I decided I would commit to a budget, then and only then did I see changes in my finances.  Now does this mean that you cannot improvise if needed?  Maybe – or maybe not.  Things change and times change.  We simply can’t predict every single thing in our future, but you must use your budget as a roadmap to help you to reach your financial goals.

So whether your desire is to pay for your kids to go to college or simply become debt free at a certain age, your chances to achieve your financial desires are better if you simply prepare and live within your budget. Continue reading

Can I Borrow Twenty Dollars? – The Golden Rules of Loaning Money!

You received the phone call everyone dreads – and you know why the caller is calling you. You answer the phone with a gloomy voice – “Hello.”

In your mind, you know what is coming next . . .

“Can I borrow twenty dollars?”

So what do you do? There are certain rules you must follow before lending your hard earned cash. Continue reading

You make a lot, but how much do you keep?

It may be great that you earn a six-figure income, but if you live a six-figure lifestyle – the occurrence of one negative financial event can cause a financial downward spiral. Nothing teaches us this lesson more than the previous NBA lockout. Continue reading