Check Please! Who’s Responsible for Paying for a Date?

???????????We’ve all been there before. You get a phone call from that special someone who desires to take you out. You make plans to meet downtown to grab a couple of drinks and appetizers. The music is right, the mood is sweet; and finally the check arrives. She looks to the left; and he looks to the right…so who is really responsible for paying? Continue reading

Does Money Matter When Selecting a Spouse?

Does money really matter when selecting a spouse? The verdict is out on this topic. I posed this question to my colleagues and friends, both married and single, and was astonished by the responses I received. Many people said it did in fact matter, but differed on why. Continue reading

Financial Problems are Temporary

Financial ProblemsIf things seem a bit tight or finances are weighing you down, you have to understand it will not always be this way.

I know firsthand. While in college, I made financial mistake after financial mistake.  If it wasn’t the mall calling my name, a night out with my girls, or just living beyond my means, I always found myself spending money I didn’t have. After graduating from college, it finally dawned on me; I had to make some financial changes. Continue reading

Love shouldn’t break the bank!

Piggy bankWith Valentine’s Day right around the corner, many people are seeking the ideal gift for the perfect someone in their lives. If you are in a financial position to do so, by all means do it big!

But a night of dining, entertainment and flowers can really break your budget if you are trying to make ends meet.

Do not let this Valentine’s Day break the bank. Here are some thoughts about what can you do to keep your money in check this year.

Get creative

It may not sound like much, but thinking outside the box can help save money. In the process, you will also earn kudos from your valentine.

Consider planning a special day at home. Create a spa day by simply transforming your home into a spa. Decorate your home with rose petals, candles and chocolates to give it a special feel. Set up stations to include separate areas for pedicures, manicures and massages. >>>Continue Reading

Run your personal finances like a small business!

Business man and woman

Few of us think of our personal finances as a small enterprise. But just like any business or government agency, we must watch our bottom dollar.

How do you run your personal financial house? Do you raise the debt ceiling to meet needs? Or do you operate on a budget and save for rainy days?

Whatever method you use to operate your personal finances, you must run things like a small business. Continue reading

Will the “fiscal bill” impact your finances?

Depositphotos_15501897_xsWhether you are earning $40,000 or $400,000, one thing is certain the implementation of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 will have an impact on your bottom dollar.  From new tax income rates for the wealthy, to the extension of certain tax credits and deductions, it is critical to understand whether the new tax changes will impact your finances. Continue reading

Pump up a shrunken paycheck!

While Congress did not let us fall over the “fiscal cliff,” our paychecks have already taken a dive.

During the eleventh hour, Congress passed the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 to prevent costly income tax increases for most Americans. The legislation also halted the expiration of certain tax credits and aid, such as unemployment benefits.

However, individuals who earn more than $400,000 and families with more than $450,000 of income can expect an income tax increase. People at those income levels will now pay a top rate of up to 39.6 percent in income taxes.  >>>continue reading.

Giving really does pay back!

Each and everyday, we are presented with the opportunity to bless someone.  Whether it is the homeless individual at the street corner, your coworker struggling to make ends meet or your church requesting additional funds for the new building – we are presented with the opportunity to be a blessing in someone else life. Continue reading

Don’t rob Peter to pay Claus this Christmas!

Hey remember, there is life after Christmas – also bills and other obligations.  So if you did not get a chance this year to set something aside to purchase Christmas gifts, it may not be a good idea to rob Peter to pay Claus!