Financial Problems are Temporary

Financial ProblemsIf things seem a bit tight or finances are weighing you down, you have to understand it will not always be this way.

I know firsthand. While in college, I made financial mistake after financial mistake.  If it wasn’t the mall calling my name, a night out with my girls, or just living beyond my means, I always found myself spending money I didn’t have. After graduating from college, it finally dawned on me; I had to make some financial changes. Continue reading

Self-Employed? Reporting your income may be more beneficial than you think!

moneyIf you are a self-employed individual, you have at your discretion to be flexible when reporting your income and deductions on your tax return. Of course, if you receive 1099s, this income will be reported to the IRS, however if you receive cash payments or unreported income, you may be go unnoticed.  Besides, will the IRS really know you receive those payments last year?  Hey, no one is looking – right?

Wrong! Even if you never been audited or never will, these type of decisions will be certain to catch up with you down the road. Continue reading

Using credit wisely: The taboo conversation your parents never had!

Many of us, while growing up, had discussions with our parents about the dangers of drugs. And despite how uncomfortable it might have been for both you and your parents, it’s quite likely that you also had “the talk” about sex. Our parents regularly urged us to stay in school or to choose our friends wisely. But not many of us had a heart-to-heart talk about credit cards. Continue reading